时间:2022-01-28 10:35:42
在2020年11月28日进行的LIBF全球金融挑战赛中,宁波华茂国际学校4位同学与来自全国96所国际学校和重点中学的同学进行了激烈的角逐。最终,MYP Y9B的张华宜同学以名列全国第三的傲人成绩斩获中国区初赛初中组金奖和晋级奖,获得了初级金融能力认证,并成功晋级LIBF中国总决赛!恭喜我们的未来金融菁英Girl!
就读于宁波华茂国际学校MYP Y9B的张华宜算得上“老”华茂学子了,从幼儿园大班一直到初中9年级,她在华茂已经度过了10年的时光。张华宜说:“我很喜欢这里的老师、同学,也很爱这里的校园氛围。”
张华宜性格开朗,率真可爱,口语发音标准流利。她不怯于和他人表达,够自信,成绩优异,这些都是她能在各种竞赛中脱颖而出的因素。在华茂国际学校的这几年,在老师们的带领下,张华宜参加了很多大型比赛,比如澳大利亚数学竞赛(AMC)、美国大联盟比赛(Math League)、世界学者杯(WSC)等等。她是学校竞赛获奖者合影中的常客,但比起获得荣誉,张华宜更在意竞赛中学习到的知识。她说:“其实我觉得比赛的结果不是很重要,更重要是一次经历,在比赛中我不仅能收获志同道合的朋友,也能在其中认识到自己很多不足的地方,能继续努力。”
白天的基础教育与国际教育课程、傍晚的社团课...... 张华宜称:“在宁波华茂国际学校的学习生活忙碌且充实,丰富多样的课程设计,很具实际应用价值的课堂知识,让我感觉每分每秒都用尽了,没有浪费。”
On November 28, 2020, 4 students from NBHIS participated in the LIBF Student Investor Challenge online with students from other 96 schools in China. A special shout out to student Athena Zhang from MYP Y9B who won High Distinction and LIBF LiFE Qualification, ranking 3rd nationwide, and thus qualified for the LIBF National Final!
Student Investor Challenge is the most important competition by the London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) which was established in 1879 by the British Bankers Association. Student Investor Challenge is a combination of financial certifi­cation and fi­nancial contest accredited by the Offi­ce of Quali­fications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) and Stock Exchange Simulation, to focus on lifelong learning; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and qualifi­cations to achieve what they want throughout their career and life.
The challenge is separated into junior and senior divisions. The participants compete in Preliminary Round to qualify for the National Final. The preliminary round of the junior division is the Financial Ability Assessment. The assessment consists of three units with 100 problems. Only the participants who pass all three units will achieve the LIBF LiFE Qualification that is the LiFE Certificate and access to the LIBF National Final.
For Y9B Athena, who stood out among many international schools and key high school students to win the gold medal, her home-school cooperation profoundly impacted on the competition.
Firstly, both her parents are university professors in Finance & Banking. Since she was a child, she has had an extreme interest due to her family influence. As an MYP student, having spent 10 years at NBHIS. She summarized, “I really like the teachers and students here, and I love the campus atmosphere here. Except for regular classes, I have lots of spare time. I like it that way. Every student has a different personality. The only way to get better practice is to have flexible learning time. Of course, I say “free time” is not entirely free like teachers leave the students alone, they will help and give timely guidance and inspire us with each individual’s direction and learning progress. “ Athena is both cheerful and frank. She expresses herself confidently with fluent English which makes her stand out in competitions. She has participated in many large competitions, such as the Australian Math Competition (AMC), and the American Major League Competition (Math League), the World Scholar's Cup(WSC)etc. She’s been a regular winner. She is more interested in the knowledge she learned from the competitions than the accolades she receives. She emphasized, “Actually, I think the result of the competition is not that important, but more importantly an experience in which I can not only gain like-minded friends but also realize my shortcomings and overcome them.” Athena is also very comfortable with the teaching style of NBHIS. She feels that the school encourages students to understand what they are learning through independent exploration, discovering patterns and summarizing them, rather than directly asking students to memorize the concepts. For example, of her favorite social science class, which is an independent inquiry-based course. She says, “The teacher will give us some materials before the inquiry so that we can prepare better, and then we will brainstorm during the group discussion.” Giving students the lead allows them to reap the benefits of growth in planning the class and sharing and communicating.
“With Chinese and international curriculum during the day and CCAs in the late afternoon, my study life at Ningbo Huamao International School is busy and fulfilling, with a rich and varied curriculum design and efficient application of classroom knowledge that makes me feel that every second is properly used, Athena continued.
We wish Athena the best of luck in the LIBF National final!