时间:2022-01-28 10:30:26
17th April, 2021, our students were doing their Math Kangaroo competition online or in their respective MK exam center.
A special shout out to the students from our secondary school for their outstanding performance during the MK. They have won 1 Silver, 1 Bronze and 3 Proficiency Award from the exam.
在刚刚过去的2021袋鼠数学思维挑战(Math Kangaroo)中,北大附属嘉兴学校同文部学子再创佳绩,斩获多项大奖!其中,G9A班Fred朱鸿畅,G9B班Joney易佳成,两位同学分获银、铜奖。在奖项级别、考试等级及参赛人数等方面,均实现新的突破!
起源于澳大利亚的袋鼠数学思维挑战是全球最大规模的青少年数学竞赛,不同于传统奥数强调的高难度和挑战性,袋鼠数学思维挑战(Math Kangaroo)宗旨是用有趣生动、接近生活的题目,激发孩子们数学学习兴趣及自信,培养学生数学思维,中英文双语答题模式,更训练了学生阅读、理解、分析和解决问题等多项能力,适合各年级各种数学水平同学。
赛后收获Student's reflections
G9A Fred朱鸿畅
I am very honored to get your physics competition bronze, this is not I a person, I also want to thank the teachers before the exam to my guidance, in the process of examination found some problems, I also should strengthen my English.I will continue to strive to get better grades in the future.
G9B Joney易佳成
It is a great honor for me to win this award. Although my performance is commendable, as a student of Grade 9, I still have plenty of time to prepare for it. I believe that as long as I keep working hard, there will be a better award waiting for me in the future.
教师寄语Teacher's comments
The purpose of Kangaroo Mathematical Challenge is to use interesting, vivid and life-like topics to stimulate children's fun and confidence in math learning, cultivate students' mathematical thinking, and train students to read, understand, analyze and solve problems. Use the system of adding points for correct answers and deducting points for incorrect answers to examine the accuracy of students' thinking and calculations. The difficulty of the questions is progressive, and the average difficulty is moderate. To win awards, students need to have a solid foundation in mathematics.
G9A Fred朱鸿畅 银奖
G9B Joney易佳成 铜奖
G7 Lucas南昌斌 数学技能奖
G8 Jenny沈文钰 数学技能奖
G9B Mark钱杨毅 数学技能奖