时间:2022-01-28 10:26:25
In order to enrich students' school life as well as cultivate their moral, intellectual and physical development, TEHS has been holding the Third Aerobics Competition since the end of November. Students of IB program, who had always been encouraged to be creative and corporative risk-takers, did a marvelous job in the competition.
IB MYP-3 与PDP年级均踊跃参与这次校园活动,张铭爱、苗天润等二十几位同学自报名比赛开始便利用课余时间练习。对舞蹈的掌握也由最初的陌生演变到最后的胸有成竹、游刃有余。他们为这次比赛付出的一点一滴都值得肯定,无论名次与否,这段经历必将成为他们人生之中重要的一段回忆。伴音乐随心律动,任青春岁月飞扬。
IB MYP-3and PDP students took a great part in this school event. Zhang Mingai,Miao Tianrun as well as the other 20 dancers spent a lot of time practicing during their spare time, thus they made an amazing progress in the proficiency of their dances. Winning or not, we should not ignore their endeavors. And this experience is surely going to be an important part of their memories. With the melody of youth, dance and music will follow our growth.