时间:2023-02-10 05:48:15
Learning about animals in the right context is crucial, so we’ve made a curriculum to help students begin to understand these magnificent creatures, both in books and in real life. Recently, at Mr. Zoo children got the chance to see up close, what these furry, slimy, scaly, and sometimes winged friends are up to! 在良好的环境中认识、了解动物也是至关重要的,因此我们制定了一个课程,帮助孩子们了解这些神奇而伟大的地球生物。最近,在MR.Zoo动物元,孩子们有机会近距离看到这些各种各样、不同形态、不同特征的动物朋友!
Led by the knowledgeable staff, children learned what makes each animal unique, their favorite foods, and how they can be well-taken care of. The students even got to feed and “hang around” with some of the amazing animals, themselves.Look how the cockatiels were eager to make new friends and the goat especially was no stranger to socialising with anyone who had tasty snacks! 在工作人员的带领下,孩子们了解了每种动物的独特之处,它们最喜欢的食物,还有它们不同的生活习惯。孩子们甚至可以拿着小动物最喜欢的食物亲自喂食,这是多棒的体验啊!看,这些凤头鹦鹉是多么渴望结交新朋友,还有小山羊,吃着孩子们喂给它的稻草有滋有味,一点都不怕陌生人!
“What's its name?”Where does it live?"Is it nice?", the children asked."Can I touch it?""What does it eat?""Will it bite me?" They inquired. “它叫什么名字?”“它生活在什么地方?”孩子们会问。“我可以摸摸它吗?”“它喜欢吃什么?”“它会咬我吗?”他们问道。 At Magnolia, we know these kinds of learning experiences are not only fun and exciting, but they instill respect for life and an awareness of the needs of others(human, or not!),as well as give children an understanding of how to interact with other living things. 在玛诺利娅,我们努力提供给孩子们这种真实的学习机会,不仅仅是因为有趣,同时也在灌输给他们对生命尊重的理念(人类和动物都是),让孩子们了解他们的行为对身边的一切都会产生不可分割的影响。 Like all these creatures, we too are a part of the animal kingdom—we’re all one great big family! 这些可爱的动物是我们星球上的一部分,让我们和这些生灵们创建一个和谐快乐的大家庭吧!