时间:2022-01-27 21:22:26
在万圣节派对结束后的第二清晨,上海莱克顿学校的女子篮球队队员们都准时的早起了。女生们表现的十分团结,在每一场比赛中都拼尽全力。我们进行的两场比赛都实力相当,在最后几分钟失去了领先的优势,以极小的分差惜败。带队的Olivia Qian同学说,我们这么短的时间里培训,在这场比赛中,我们已经尽了自己最大的努力,我为我们团队所获得的经验感到高兴,在接下来的赛季里,我们会不断发展壮大,Linda Peng和Olivia Zhao令人印象深刻,她们表现出了出色的战斗精神。
球队里的其他女生也表现得十分突出。Chloe Leong对球赛充满信心,并且在球赛中充满活力,张雯祺对位置得把控很准确,并显示出了很好的技能,Coco Pan、Yisa Ye和Shelley Yin一直在与对方球队争夺球,Olivia Zhu和Rachel Ye也坚持到底,从未放弃。她们在比赛结束后,一起享受了一顿火锅,我很高兴,能看着这支球队在未来一同成长。
我们的男子篮球队也在进行新赛季的锦标赛。对于整个团队而言,这是一次很棒的经历,并向我们展示了,若要成功,必先迎难而上。篮球队由队长Oliver Wu领导,他再一次展现出莱克顿永不放弃的精神,也得到了队员们——Frank Lin,Andy Zhang,Keelan Zhu和Peter Wu的支持。新生们也有着出色的表现,他们已经安排了他们已经安排了额外的培训课程来提高自己的身体素质,很高兴看即将看到他们在11月参加比赛。
Our girls basketball managed to wake up early after the Halloween party. The girls have really started to bond together as a team and fought hard in every game. We had two very close games, losing the lead in the final minutes but were expertly led by Olivia Qian. She said ‘We tried our best and have only been training for a short time. I am excited about getting more experience for my team and we will continue to grow and get better throughout the season. I was really impressed with Linda Peng and Olivia Zhao who displayed a great fighting spirit. ’
A number of other girls really stood out too. Chloe Leong grew in confidence and was dynamic with the ball. Cathy Zhang also was moving into the right positions and displaying good skills. Coco Pan, Yisa Ye and Shelley Yin were constantly battling for the ball and Olivia Zhu and Rachel Ye never gave up trying to learn more about the games. They were all able to enjoyed hot pot after the games and it will be exciting to watch this team grow together in the future.
Our boys basketball squad also got a season under way with a tournament. This was a great experience for the team and showed us the challenges we face to improve if we want to have success. The team was led by our captain Oliver Wu, who again displayed the Luctonian spirit of never giving up. He was supported by Frank Lin, Andy Zhang, Keelan Zhu and Peter Wu. Also our new students this year contributed well. They have already arranged extra training sessions to improve their fitness and it will be great to see them back in action in November.
November will be just as busy so please check our school notices and I encourage as many of you to come and watch as possible!!