时间:2023-03-08 13:33:03
Creative Technology
In early November, a Product Design graduate speaker visited the YCIS Puxi Year 11 students. The students are currently undertaking their Internal Assessments (IA), generating and exploring design ideas, and thinking of their options for IB for next year.
It was, therefore, a timely and valuable opportunity for the student to hear from the guest speaker. She bridged the gap between school and university by introducing her real-world experiences as an international university student and the situations, problems, and solutions to her designs while sharing her portfolio.
Her talk added authenticity to the work the students are doing in school and will help to inspire, inform, and encourage them with their IAs and decision making for IB options.
Respect Your Elders
On December 3, YCIS Pudong Year 4 students had a “Fanghua” activity day as part of their Chinese Studies class. Students dressed up as "elders," borrowing clothes from their parents or grandparents. Year 4 teachers prepared activities for students to experience life as an elder, including water calligraphy on cement and low-impact fitness. The students were eager to share their experiences with their families. We continue to exemplify care and respect to our elders and demonstrate how to take care of elders within traditional Chinese culture.
Exhibitions to Demonstrate Learning
Two weeks ago at YCIS Puxi the Year 4 and Year 6 each had “mountain top” exhibitions to display their learning from their recent Inquiry units.
The Year 4 students transformed their learning community into a museum to end their Ancient Civilisations Inquiry unit. The children showcased an exhibit of their choice to reflect the topic. Visitors were impressed by their creativity and knowledge, as the children confidently shared what they have learned.
四年级的学生将公共学习空间布置成博物馆, 展示他们学习了古代文明探究单元后的成果。孩子们通过各种展品来分享自己的学习所得。他们自信地展示以及呈现出的创造力和丰富的知识储备给参观者们留下了深刻的印象。
Year 6 hosted a Living Museum to end their Inquiry unit focusing on famous explorers and inventors. It was a fantastic show of the children’s knowledge and skills, as they adopted characters and performed monologues to help visitors understand why their person was important and had an impact on our lives today.
What’s Your Hypothesis?
At YCIS Pudong, Year 6 students worked hard to scientifically explore questions they had relating to global goals. Students had six weeks to complete an experiment and draw conclusions to how it linked to the world around them. Finally, presentations were shared with parents, teachers, and both Primary and Secondary students.
11月1日,上海耀中(浦西校区)中学的学生启动了他们最新的 "项目学习 "活动,该活动将持续到学期结束。在这一项目中,学生们将互相合作,探索上海迷人的本地文化。在启动仪式上,学生们在他们的新学习社区集结,并参加了不同的活动,这些活动需要学生们的认知技能和团队合作能力。我们期待在未来几周内看到更多精彩的作品。