时间:2022-01-27 20:54:37
The CAS session on Monday saw the final of speech contest for this semester. The candidates were divided into 3 groups according to their different English levels. This final could be appropriately described as “amazing”.
首先上场的是九年级的刘星雨同学。她为我们推荐了一部叫The Desert Flower的电影,讲述一个出生于封闭的沙漠环境的女孩如何一步步成为世界名模。故事和演讲很励志。
The first candidate to speak on the stage was Crystal Liu, a 9th grader. She recommended to us a movie named “The Desert Flower”, which told a story of how a girl who was born in a secluded desert managed step by step to become a world-famous model. She delivered the speech by telling the story in an inspiring manner.
疫情带给我们的震惊和思考是深沉的。林夕童、孙嘉皓和杨舒涵同学,以独特的视角看疫情。林为我们分析本次新冠疫情带来的影响;孙同学介绍了疫情对运动的影响,正所谓“不进则退”,他呼吁大家在风波过后加入运动的队伍。杨舒涵同学的演讲主题是 “Mask Diplomacy (口罩外交)”,谈的是各国之间的口罩捐赠数量、动机、影响等等。
The covid-19 pandemic greatly shocked the entire world and made us reflect upon ourselves. Selina Lin, Stephen Sun, and Felicity Yang viewed the pandemic from three different perspectives. Selina analyzed the effects that the pandemic has had on us; Stephen talked about how the pandemic has affected sports activities.He argued that “no progress simply means regression.”, and called on us to join sports teams and get exercise after the pandemic. Felicity spoke on “Mask Diplomacy”, which was about the number of masks donated among different countries, the intentions behind the donation and the impact that the donation has made on them.
Considering that the Chinese soccer team has always been scolded, Leo Jiang roughly analyzed the reasons why the Chinese teams keep losing to those European teams and teams from South America. Both the European-style professional coaching and the South American free-style coaching have contributed a large number of soccer stars for their countries. Judy gave us a speech on how she herself had succeeded in losing weight by holding on, thus making us realize the importance and benefits of persistence. Murphy spoke on the topic of “Hypothesis”, he defined hypothesis and explained the advantages brought by making hypotheses.
Finally, the editor would like to introduce two candidates whom she favored most.
Hina Liang chose to speak on a very special topic, “Marriage and Love”. When the tide growls, reason will be buried deep in the bottom; when the surging waves gradually disappear on the coast, everything we once experienced will reveal miserable itself. The choice of marriage is so cruel and difficult, yet the process of it is so appealing.
Hanxiao Cai told us his own experience a year ago, and he elaborated on how he managed to improve his TOEFL score from 73 to 109. He shared with us his way and concepts of finding pleasure in learning, and the audience were deeply fascinated by his speech. During his speech, he appeared confident of and comfortable with speaking as if he were showing us the glory of peaks in his life.
The speech contest soon came to an end. However, in their future, students will keep benefiting from the successful experience they have gained from various competitions. And, that's how they grow up and become better.