上海安乔国际双语幼儿园膳委会参观食堂记 A Bite of Angels
时间:2022-01-27 20:53:47
Angels Food Committee visit our kitchen
Food safety and food hygiene has always been the top priority at Angels, and it is also a concern of the parents. In order to increase the transparency of the management of Angels kitchen, collect parents’ opinions and suggestions regarding the kitchen work, and further improve the quality of students’ diet, so that parents can intuitively and clearly understand the children’s diet at school, Angels Kindergarten carried out the "Kitchen Open Day" activity on November 3rd, with Qingpu child care expert Dr. Lu Guihua and parent representatives from the Angels Food Committee to visit Angels kitchen in attendance.
At 10 o'clock in the morning, representatives of the Food Committee gathered at Angels to sign in (wear their masks, take their temperature, and show their health and travel codes).
First, under the guidance of the school nurses, the food committee toured the kitchen area and visited the preparation room, the cutting room, the washing room, the cooking room, the catering room and all the other places; and observed how the kitchen staff carry out their everyday routines, so that they learned about the preparation process of children's meals. The clean and tidy environment of the operation room, the orderly placement of kitchenware, the separate production of raw and cooked food, the uniform storage of condiments and dishes in safe storage containers, the neatly hanging of small items such as towels and knives on the wall, and the standard operations of the staff, as well as reasonable and effective balanced nutrition, let the parents rest assured that the children's meals at school are healthy and prepared properly.
Then, our school nurse presented a detailed report to the food committee regarding the school’s "Transparent Kitchen" project, recipe formulations, canteen sanitation system, management system and standard operations.
安乔厨房由自己的团队负责安乔师生的餐饮,坚持不外包,从根本上杜绝不可控因素带来的风险。 With our very own kitchen team, Angels Kindergarten is responsible for the catering of Angels students and teachers. We insist on not outsourcing this responsibility in order to fundamentally eliminate the risks caused by uncontrolled factors.
Our meat, poultry and eggs are purchased every day, all food materials will be issued with animal inspection and quarantine reports and pesticide residue inspection reports required by the Food Supervision Bureau of Qingpu District, Shanghai according to different regulations, to ensure that all the food materials are fresh and safe.
根据农场的菜色每天早上进行蔬菜配送,不会有隔夜存放的问题。Vegetables are delivered to school every morning, so there is never a problem of overnight storage.
The poultry and meat ingredients that Angels order every day are all high-quality meats that have been de-acidified and are of good grade, and are accompanied by an animal quarantine certificate.
安乔师生的伙食均由安乔的厨房团队提供。食材采购会根据当天出勤人数来预估次日的采购量,所有食材在当天全部洗切烹饪。学生菜单与教职员菜单分开,所有伙食当天会全部食用完毕,请家长放心。All the food for Angels students and staff is provided by Angels kitchen team based on the number of people present that day; and all food materials will be purchased accordingly and used on the same day. The student menu is separate from the faculty and staff menu, and all meals will be finished on the same day, so parents please rest assured.
安乔的保健老师与厨房负责人每天早晨会清点配送食材的数量、品质及检验报告,于当天上传至上海市阳光午餐食安追溯服务平台,该平台由政府直接管控,所有食材的品种、采购渠道,检测报告都要上传至该平台。Relevant working staff will count the quantity, check quality and view the inspection reports of the delivered ingredients each morning; and upload the reports to the Shanghai Sunshine Lunch Food Safety Traceability Service Platform on the same day. The platform is directly controlled by the government, and the variety, purchase channels and test reports must be uploaded to the platform, too.
安乔对于大米、面粉粮油等食品每周都会进行盘点和检查,以确保食品在保质期内。We inspect commodities such as rice, flour, grains and oil every week to make sure that they are all within their recommended shelf life.
上海市青浦区食监局每学期会对学校进行2次全面的检查,并随时进行抽查。The Food Supervision Bureau of Qingpu District, Shanghai will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the school twice every semester, and conduct random inspections periodically.
安乔使用的烹饪油为多力葵花食用油。The cooking oil we use is a high-quality sunflower oil.
安乔的厨房进水口安装有开能净化器,并坚持每周水质检测,确保全园饮用水水质良好。Our drinking water inlet is equipped with an energy purifier and every week we carry out water quality testing to ensure that all of the drinking water for the school is good.
安乔调味不使用味精与鸡精等,也不添加任何色素与化学成分或防腐剂,以天然食材的原味及酱油、糖、醋、盐等调味品进行调味。We don’t use monosodium glutamate and chicken essence for seasoning, nor do we add any artificial coloring, chemical ingredients or preservatives into the meals. We only use the original flavor of natural ingredients and seasonings such as soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, and salt.
安乔给小天使提供的餐食,每一餐都会根据教育局规定进行留样,并存放于专用冰箱,48小时内均可抽样检测。For the meals we provide to little Angels, each meal will be sampled in accordance with the regulations of the Education Bureau and stored in a special refrigerator. Samples can be tested within 48 hours.
每周,学校以文字形式提前发布下周学生菜谱,供家长们更好地为孩子做家庭营养搭配。Every week, the school sends out the students’ weekly menu in advance for parents to better prepare family nutrition for their children.
每天,学校将孩子当日所食以图文形式(实物拍照+文字说明)发送至班级群,使家长对孩子在园的饮食情况一目了然,清楚明白。Each day, the school sends out pictures and texts (photographsof the actual meals with descriptions) of the children's food to the class group, so that parents can see their children's diet at school.
Finally, the representatives of the Food Committee tasted the children’s lunch that day, which was real yummy. Some representatives expressed their feelings and praised the school.
The "Kitchen Open Day" activity increased the transparency of school kitchen management and enhanced the understanding and trust between family and the kindergarten. In the future, we will continue to work hard to improve food safety, and continue to carry out the "Kitchen Open Day" activities to ensure that safety is not only “on the tip of the tongue” for our little Angels.