A Level 放榜,再创常州威雅公学实验学校毕业生成绩新高!
时间:2022-01-27 20:25:41
A Level 放榜,再创威雅毕业生成绩新高!
WASCZ Outstanding A Level Results
又到一年的收获季!A Level放榜日这一天,也是常州威雅公学实验学校的毕业生们、家长们的庆祝时刻。常州威雅2021届毕业生们成功去往世界一流大学,恭喜他们!
常州威雅升学部负责人James Waddington非常欣慰:“我们的学生取得如此傲人的成绩正是他们在大学申请这段时期里超强决心与毅力的最佳证明。常州威雅奉行的全人教育理念,以及提供的资源支持都在为学生们的梦想保驾护航,他们得以从这里步入海外名校,去认识世界。我为所有学生感到自豪,并期待看到他们在未来的成就。”
Biology生物、Physics物理、Psychology心理学、Chemistry化学、Law法律、Mathematics数学、Economics经济学、EEE电气工程、Graphic Design平面设计、Computer Science计算机科学、Music音乐学、Piano钢琴、Composition作曲、ITMB (Information Techology Management for Business) 信息技术管理、Management 管理学、Material Science and Engineering 材料科学与工程、Comparitiative Literature 比较文学、Computer Science and Electronics 计算机科学与电子、Media 传媒、Mechanical Engineering 机械工程、Biochemistry 生物化学、Accounting and Finance 会计与金融、Jewellery Design 珠宝设计、Architectural Engineering 建筑工程、Illustration 插画、Design 艺术设计、Fine Art 美术、Filmmaking 电影制作
因为出色的A Level成绩,常州威雅的毕业生能够去往自己心仪的大学。
Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou’s pupils are once again celebrating outstanding A Level results which has seen them admitted to world class universities around the world.
James Waddington, Head of Sixth Form, said “For our pupils to achieve so many outstanding results is testament to their commitment and perseverance over their time in Sixth Form. I am delighted that the holistic education and support on offer at Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou has enabled them to gain access to the very best universities around the world. I am very proud of all the pupils and look forward to seeing what they achieve in the future.”
Year 13 pupils were delighted with their results where nearly 70% of all results were awarded the very top A and A* grades. Pupils are going on to study nearly 30 different subjects ranging from Mathematics and Biochemistry to Comparative Literature and Graphic Design. The wide range of subjects pupils can study at university is a result of the wide range of subjects on offer at Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou, as recognised by our award from Pearson Edexcel.
We celebrate the destinations of our pupils including:
- Imperial College London
- London School of Economics (LSE)
- University College London (UCL)
- University of St Andrews
- University of Bristol
- University of Durham
- University of the Arts, London (UAL)
- Royal Northern College of Music
- Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
- Boston University, USA
- Pratt Institute, USA
We offer congratulations to all our graduating pupils and we are excited to see them attend the very best universities in the world, knowing that they will be a huge success.