时间:2023-02-08 14:24:08
走进南通崇川外国语学校IG-2班的课堂,这位家长演讲的主题为:人生目标。他结合自身经历与同学们分享制定人生目标的重要性,这不仅是提前确定好自己理想的大学,也要提前锁定职业方向,甚至明确一生所要完成的任务,并围绕这个使命目标持续前行,在前进的途中克服惰性,不断挖掘自己的才能。 A parent from IG-2 shared a speech with the theme of Settinga Goal. Mr. Lu emphasized the importance of setting life goals. To set life goals is not only to decide your dream college in advance, but also to find your career direction. We need to figure out what you want to accomplish and achieve in your whole life, and keep moving forward with it. Overcome the laziness and other difficulties on the way forward and constantly explore your own talents. AS-“百善孝为先” “百善孝为先”。何为孝?如何尽孝?AS年级的家长以“孝”为主题,由“孝其身、孝其心、孝其志”三个层次展开演讲。从在家对父母亲人的态度到未来在职场对工作的职责,再到对国家的忠诚奉献,循序渐进,由小见大,意在告诉同学们从对父母孝顺做起,时刻坚守“孝”这个核心品质。同学们听得十分动容,在互动发言中表示理解父母的苦心,会用自己的实际行动来回报父母的付出。 A guest speaker from AS-1 gave a speech with the theme of “Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues”. From the attitude towards parents and relatives at home to the responsibilities towards the future work, and then to the loyalty and dedication to the country, Mrs. Wu intended to tell the students to start from filial piety to our parents, and always adhere to the core quality of "filial piety".