时间:2022-01-27 19:35:51
AIC is celebrating its LAMDA success after its second round of exams this summer.
此次,广州亚加达国际预科从PDP1到DP1年级,共有 14 位同学参加了表演及诗歌和散文朗诵类别的LAMDA考试。八位同学成绩卓越,六位同学成绩优秀。
Fourteen students from PDP1 through to DP1 took exams in acting or the speaking of verse and prose. As a result, eight students gained a distinction, while six gained merits.
LAMDA(伦敦音乐与戏剧艺术学院)是英国最负盛名的戏剧学校之一,其开设有多个类别的表演考试。LAMDA 考试的教育资质受广泛认可,英国资格和课程管理局 (QCA) 认可其为资质颁发机构。
LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) is one of the UK’s most prestigious drama schools offering performance-based examinations. LAMDA exams are recognized educational qualifications and are accredited as an Awarding Body by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) in England.
学生参与较高级别的LAMDA考试,将有机会获得 UCAS 学分(用于入读英国大学)。例如,八级考试中获得卓越或优异成绩,将获得与AS-Level考试中成绩为A同样的大学学分。
The higher level examinations award UCAS points (for university entry in the UK). For example, a distinction or a merit award at Grade 8 is worth the same university points as an A grade at AS level.
下学期起,AIC同学们可额外报名参加LAMDA指导课程,该课程将由我校戏剧老师Nicola Howard执教,以小班形式进行,老师将安排时间,对同学们进行一对一指导。
Tuition for LAMDA is open to all students at AIC, and courses are taught by our drama teacher, Nicola Howard. Students are in small groups, and teacher will divide the session time to facilitate one-to-one teaching.
The next round of exams will be held in December 2021. There are exams in acting, public speaking and the speaking of verse and prose.