
所在地区:广东 广州市学校性质:私立学校


Anishka Kyal


Joyce Fan,Nishi Wijelath,

Wolly Wang,AbbyHuang,Vivian Liang,David Miao


Joey Wang


Tim Luo, Betty Gao, Raymond Liao

Calvin Chen, Jeff Lei

  11月27、28日周末两天,AIC DP1商务管理班的14名学生参加了在广州南沙区Ulink学院举行的ASDAN商务模拟初赛。广州亚加达国际预科学生被分成两个团队,每个团队都有一位 CEO,其余成员被分配到企业中常见的不同部门。此次比赛共有来自广东省19所学校的47支队伍参赛, 我们AIC的队伍分别是第46号和第47号参赛队。

  Over the weekend of the 27th and 28th of November of 2021, 14 students from the DP 1 business management class took part in the preliminary round of the ASDAN business simulation held at the Ulink College in Nanshan district of Guangzhou. The students were divided into 2 teams each with a CEO and the remaining members were assigned to the different departments commonly found in a business. Our teams were the 46th and 47th teams to sign up for the competition that had a total of 47 teams participating from 19 schools from the Guangdong Province.

  ASDAN 模拟商赛是为帮助未来商业领袖和企业家更好地掌握经营企业的实际战略而创立,模拟赛事中,学生可参与从公司文化到生产所需的创造、考虑和决策全过程,是让学生思考企业经营实践的一种绝佳方式。


  The ASDAN Business Simulation has been created in an effort to help the aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow grasp a better practical and strategic understanding of how to run a business. During the simulation students will be actively involved in creating, thinking, and deciding on every aspect of their business from their company culture to their production needs. The interactive aspect of the simulation is a great way for students to get involved in thinking about the practicalities of running a business.

  Outstanding delegate would be awarded by ASDAN Enterprise Award from ASDAN UK. The certificate is endorsed by the British Qualifications and Curriculum Service (QCA) and the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).


  On the first day the students participated in three operation rounds that consisted of different business scenarios where each team had to make business decisions, each decision would affect their profit and/or loss for each round. At the end of each round the teams were classified according to the accumulated profit each team had. The students completed and presented their business plans to the judges and their peers. During the opening ceremony the students were informed about the unicorn challenge that consisted of a networking activity where each team was given stickers with their team number on it.

  第二天进行了第 2 轮的操作,将有助于决定模拟的获胜者。

  On the second day there were 2 more operation rounds which would help to decide the winners of simulation.

比赛成绩 Achievement


Team 46 won the unicorn social map for networking


Team 47 won the award for

best business plan presentation


Team 46 also was invited to participate in the

All-Star competition in Shanghai in January of next year.

比赛过后每位 CEO 都分享了他们的想法

Each CEO shared their reflection,

here is what they said:

CEO 团队 46 – Anishka Kyal

  “尽管有我们面临了各种挑战,但我们很自豪能够参加 2022 年 1 月的上海全明星赛。我们付出了所有努力,获得了‘最受欢迎球队’奖。在整个准备过程中,在比赛期间,我们的团队享受着每一刻,彼此之间的距离更近了。除了玩得开心,我们还学会了为某事牺牲时间,我们学会了团队合作,提高了我们的创造力等等。我要感谢我们的团队给予支持与配合。我还要感谢我们的老师 Joseph、Rosio 和 Emy,他们鼓励我们并和我们一起参加比赛。我们虽然不是最好的,但作为我们的第一次尝试,我认为我们做得很好。我相信我们会在上海全明星赛中名列前茅。”

  CEO Team 46—Anishka Kyal

  “I am the CEO of company 46. Despite all the negatives, we are proud to be able to go for the Shanghai All-Star competition in January 2022. With all the efforts we had put we earned the ‘Most Popular Team’ award. Throughout the preparation, and during the competition our team enjoyed every moment and got closer to each other. Along with having fun, we learnt to sacrifice our time for something, we learnt teamwork, improved our creativity and much more. I would like to thank our team to be supportive and cooperative along the journey. I would also like to thank our teachers Joseph, Rosio and Emy, to encourage us and come with us to the competition. We were not the best, but as our first attempt, I think we did a great job. I believe that we will be the top in the Shanghai All-Star competition.”

  CEO Team 47—Joey Wang


    “As the leader of Company47, I was completely surprised by my teammates. At the beginning of the competition, we didn't know how to do it, and didn't even have time to finish the preparation before the competition. However, during the competition, we worked in good order and really hard to complete our tasks. Finally, we won the Excellence Award of Business Plan Presentation. I would like to thank all my teammates from my heart for the cooperation of all of us, this has given us the ideal result. This competition has made all of us grow up and given us an unforgettable and fantastic experience.”


  “当我面临挑战和失败时,阿斯丹教会了我做积极的事情。同时,它让我明白,两个人做的工作比一个人做的要有效得多。” Wolly Wang 46队

  Finally, one of the members of team 46 has shared his experience as well:

  “Asdan taught me to do positive when I face challenges and failures. Meanwhile, it taught me that work that is done by two persons will be much effective than one person’s.” Wolly Wang team 46












没有对口的大学,但是学校设有专业的大学申请老师, 协助学生进行大学的申请工作, 这个工作通常在学生完成11年级到12年级结束。虽然学生申请大学无数量的限制,但一般来说,每个学生会申请两到三个国家10所左右的大学。








