时间:2023-02-10 07:17:28
课程开设 由佛山市外国语学校国际部开设的fashion design course(时装设计课程)包括服装设计和配饰设计两大板块,服装设计课程包括服装手绘课,拼贴画学习和服装缝纫课,配饰设计课程则包括了手袋,无纺袋,耳环项链,手链等各式各样物品的设计制作。在课程中,学生不仅能够学习到多种手绘技巧,还能提高创新思维能力和动手能力,培养审美意识。
老师语录 “设计的东西不可能凭空而来,需要一定的想法逐步深入学习完成,所以前期的草图绘制尤其重要,”负责教授时装设计课程的许老师说道,“这也是许多学生容易忽略的地方。” 同学们也纷纷说出了自己的设计感想 “The theme of the dress is lace. Another specialty is the bubble sleeves, the inspiration of which is from a magazine Harper's Bazzar. With a bow on the upper body, the dress will make you look younger and cuter. ——采念、采佩(手稿设计) “Collage fashion is also about the fashion design. One thing from the original. The second innovation turns into something created by one's own ideas.” ——Bobo(拼贴画设计) “Children's lego toys and militarization inspire this series. Works are designed with a nostalgic twist that takes us back in time to our childhood. Designs feature structural and angular shapes, colour-blocking and pixellated patterns build a modern style, while traditional ink-block prints add a vintage edge. ——庞珂迪(配饰设计) “ It is my first time to sew something,I feel It is difficult to start something new.And the design of sketches is very important, which is related to the production of late products. We should develop a planned and anticipated design process.And it is difficult to make some complex pattern,so we should simplify our pattern.” ——Cici(无纺袋设计) “This series is suitable for girls, using some fresh colors and materials, such as sakura. in this series,although it is very difficult to complete,but i still got a lot of experiences in the accessory design course.” ——Chris(配饰设计) 走心的剪裁,创意十足的设计,精致的配饰,在这些光芒四射的作品里,倾注了同学们的心血与汗水。最后,让我们感谢参与展出作品的学生们和为此操劳的老师,正是因为她们的坚持和努力,我们才能在展览上看到这么好的作品。希望她们再接再厉,设计出更好的作品,不断精进,在艺术的道路上大步向前。