时间:2022-01-27 19:17:16
——2019 年深圳奥斯翰外语学校
In the third week of May, the 14th International Culture & Art Festival with the theme of " sharing similarities and celebrating differences " was held at Oxstand. It included five main activities, which were International Food Court, Photography Gallery, Speech Competition, Design Competition, and the most fantastic one—Talent Show.
On Monday morning, the first event of the festival, the popular International Food Court, began. A large crowd gathered, and the atmosphere was already lively. There were various kinds of food available, from such places as Chongqing, Hainan, Taiwan, Britain, Italy, and India. This event was a delicious way to demonstrate Oxstand’s multiculturalism and diversity!
After a feast of food on Monday, the Photography Gallery was held starting on Tuesday, 130 pieces of work from teachers and students were displayed. Excellent photographs, straw hats, handheld fans, and other ornaments including Jiangnan umbrellas made of oilpaper were presented.
享受了精神盛宴,周三下午迎来了以“同心合力,异彩纷呈 ”为主题的英语、中文、韩语、日语等四大语种演讲比赛。在36名同学中,第一个上场的是来自加拿大高中课程的Tiffany同学。她在讲台上镇定自若,用英文娓娓而谈,自信的态度感染了在座每一位同学。另一位让人印象深刻的选手是中国课程高一的韩希同学。在她的演讲里,举了许多包括电影《流浪地球》等生动有趣的例子。她在场上妙语连珠,受到了大家的阵阵喝彩。整场演讲比赛让所有选手展示看自己的演讲技能,在竞赛中成长进步。
On Wednesday afternoon, the Speech Competition was held in English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese with the theme of "Sharing Similarities and Celebrating Differences". The Speech Competition allowed students to show their speaking skills and language proficiency, as well as demonstrate their critical thinking as they explored the theme.
本次文化艺术节最受关注的文艺汇演活动于周四成功举办。全校一百多名师生踊跃参与,多次演练,最终每个演员都在剧场的舞台上大放异彩。本次演出现场舞美富有设计感,为同学们精彩绝伦的演出锦上添花。一个个精心编排的节目为观众提供了一场视听盛宴。来自中国课程部高一传媒班学生带来了让人捧腹大笑的小品《我的路》 和《我是演员-偶像团》。 与此同时,极具力量感与节奏感的街舞表演绽放青春活力,美轮美奂的中国风表演《红昭愿》、《寄明月》 与《渔歌唱晚》尽展中国文化的典雅神韵。而CIEP舞蹈社成员的独创的舞蹈剧《哈利波特》将整个演出推向高潮,他们极具戏剧性与爆发力的舞蹈动作与音乐节拍奇妙地融合在了一起,使整个表演一气呵成,迎来观众经久不绝的的喝彩与掌声。
The Talent Show was the most popular event of the festival. Over 100 teachers and students enthusiastically took part in the show. They practiced so hard that every performer did a great job on the stage. The audience was treated to a wide variety of performances including dance, poetry, drama, and music.
除了这些欢声雷动的活动以外,校园的一处还有藏有多幅宁静致远的作品。远远望去,你一定会发现远处操场的西侧多了几棵枝繁叶茂的大树和很多蓬勃生长的植物与花朵。定睛细看,就会发现那原来是国际部60多名同学在艺术老师Mr.Bertrand指导下完成的植物墙绘。墙绘上的树根树干与墙外的树枝树叶连成一体,墙绘上的花草与墙内的花草交相辉映,自然的鬼斧神工和校园艺术家们的奇思妙想巧妙的结合到一起,不禁让观者赏心悦目,赞叹不止,啧啧称奇。于此遥相呼应的校园北侧,也有一组以“国际学习者培养目标-IB Learner Profile”为主题的涂鸦作品。来自高一的30名同学也正在利用课外时间积极创作。在一个月的时间内,这些艺术家们将陆续完成他们的作品。这些栩栩如生、富有创意的画作不仅为我们的校园增添了亮丽的风景,更体现了奥斯翰师生对多元文化的理解与认同。
In addition to these activities, there is some new artwork. On the west side of the playground there is a plant wall painting. On the north side of the campus, there is graffiti work. These paintings will not only add beauty to our campus, but also reflect teamwork and creativity.
本届国际文化艺术节于5 月17日下午圆满拉下帷幕。全校师生“同心合力”,积极主动的参与到每项活动中,共同打造了一个群星灿烂的奥斯翰国际舞台;在奥斯翰“和而不同”的国际舞台上,每颗新星都在尽情闪耀,展示属于自己的独一无二、“异彩纷呈”!
The International Culture & Arts Festival came to a successful end on May 17th. All members of Oxstand shared similarities, actively participated in activities, and celebrated differences while increasing their cultural understanding.