时间:2022-01-27 19:17:18
Life Changes with Science and Technology
--2019 Oxstand Science Fair
在2019年3月科技节期间,深圳奥斯翰外语学校校园里洋溢着创新的气氛, 学校每个人都开始谈论科学和技术是如何改变生活的话题。科技节举办的一系列活动涵盖了所有普通科学和现代媒体技术领域。
During the last week of March, the atmosphere around Oxstand International School was innovative. There was a series of events that took place as part of the 2019 Science Fair. During the planning and preparation stage at the end of February, everyone at Oxstand started discussing the life changes that exist because of Science and Technology. Activities at the Science Fair this year were selected from many proposals by teachers and students, which covered all areas of general science and modern media technology.
It was a great pleasure to see all of the students’ dedication and commitment during the 1-minute school promotional video competition. Videos were completed by students of all grade levels and programs at Oxstand. Students explored the different aspects of Oxstand that contribute to the uniqueness of the school. Some students explored a typical school day and others showcased the facilities and classrooms along with student artwork that is displayed throughout our school. Such a fun experience was had by all who participated in the creation of their videos!
As with any creative competition, it is very difficult to say which video is better than the other, but all of them showcased Oxstand students' creative skills and the devotion the they have to their school. In addition to scholars, Oxstand has many future creative directors in the making. Good job, everyone, and keep creating!
初中和高中学生团队竞争搭建化学分子模型。CIEP 11年级组的Jiwon和Ellie通过搭建和介绍刺尾鲷科鱼分泌的毒素分子,获得了最佳分子模型和最佳演示奖。这种分子的巨大尺寸给人留下深刻印象,分子量为3422克/摩尔。更值得一提的是,有两组来自CNEP和CIEP 10年级的学生分别参加了这次比赛,并获得了第二名。他们还没有在课堂上学习过这一部分,但是他们愿意挑战自己,敢于冒险。勇敢的10年级!
Junior and Senior teams competed in the molecular model building competition. Jiwon and Ellie from CIEP Grade 11 won both the Best Molecular Model and the Best Presentation Award by building and introducing a molecule of toxin excreted by Acanthuridae fish. This molecule is impressive due to its massive size, with the molecular weight registered at 3422g/mol. Also, two groups of grade 10 students from CNEP and CIEP, respectively, participated in the Junior and Senior competition and won second place. They had not yet been exposed to the topic of organic chemistry in class but were willing to challenge themselves and take the risk. Way to go grade 10s for your courage and bravery!
在这次科技节上,学生不仅成为了年轻的科学家,也成为了年轻的厨师。在解释细胞运输时,他们制作了美味的腌制萝卜。CNEP 11年级学生用生物细胞运输理论、化学酯化反应理论和物理理论对腌制萝卜进行了分析。
In this Science Fair, students became not only young scientists but also young chefs. While explaining cellular transportation, they made delicious pickled radish. The group from CNEP Grade 11 analyzed their pickled radish through biological cellular transportation, chemical esterification and physical theory.
In the Physics DIY Home Appliance competition, participants made use of all waste materials to create a greener world. Four girls from CIEP, who are big fans of Harry Potter, successfully built a gyroscope, the model of the Time Turner, by using recycled bento boxes and other waste.
来自JIEP的每个学生都带着自己的科技项目参加了这次科技节。七年级的Daniel制造了一个可以给灯泡供电的水果电池,而Jason直接从他的手机里培养出细菌来证明清洁手机的重要性。八年级的Julie 是一个非常有爱心的人,她为老师们发明了一种粉笔擦,使其不含粉笔灰。Lychee 和Lina那组的摊位是最受欢迎的,因为他们根据从科学课上学到的知识制作了一种热饮。Shawn 和 Sunny在为观众表演了一场精彩的3D灯光秀。在漂亮的叶骨书签后面站着一个叫Koko的女孩,她热爱阅读和自然。9年级的Dan, Alan 和Angus通过调查不同运动的能量输出,给了大家一个更好的平衡饮食和锻炼的建议。
Everyone from JIEP participated in this Science Fair with their own project. Grade 7 Daniel built a fruit battery, which could power a light bulb, while Jason from the same class directly cultured bacteria from his cell phone to demonstrate the importance of cleaning a phone. Grade 8 Julie is a very caring person who invented a chalk eraser for her teachers to be chalk-dust free. Lechee and Lena’s booth was highly popular since they created a hot ice drink based on what they learned from their science class. Shawn and Sunny played a wonderful 3D light show for their audiences. Behind beautiful leaf bone bookmarks stands a girl called Koko, who loves reading and nature. Dan, Alan and Angus from Grade 9 gave us a better idea about balancing your diet with exercises by investigating the energy output from different sports.
As you can tell, the 2019 Oxstand Science Fair was very successful. It encouraged students to apply scientific knowledge learned in class to their everyday life. Students demonstrated their creativity, imagination, hands-on operation ability, teamwork ability and leadership skills. It provided students with a strong interest in learning science and technology and laid a foundation for further professional study in the future. Students learn by doing, learn from their mistakes, and learn to be future life promoters.